PocketECG is best known and recognized by clinicians for the depth and quality of monitoring reports and ability to aid in a precise diagnosis for even the toughest cases. PocketECG provides full-color statistically summarized Cumulative and End-of-Study reports, as well as urgent reporting based on the full disclosure ECG signal. A Statistical Summary features the most important monitoring information to ensure an accurate and timely diagnosis. And just beyond, the report includes detailed statistics and representative strips for all arrhythmia types, onset and offset of arrhythmia, correlation between symptoms and arrhythmia events and physical activity, and other critical information to guide treatment and monitoring decisions.
PocketECG’s Comprehensive Reporting

Designed to do more, PocketECG’s online viewing of the patient’s ECG signal and comprehensive reports are available in real-time on desktop, tablet or mobile device. Immediate analysis of reports enables physicians to better guide pharmacotherapy and other intervention decisions.

Reports feature:
- Your Patient’s Arrhythmia Burden: a graphical pie chart based on full-disclosure ECG presents arrhythmia burden for each major arrhythmia type during the test period.
- Impact of Arrhythmia on Quality of Life: The first category of the report shows patient-triggered events including number of symptoms, correlation with arrhythmia and most frequent arrhythmia type. It also shows when a patient’s symptoms are not due to cardiac issues.
- Atrial Fibrillation Events: Atrial Fibrillation, the most common form of arrhythmia with possible serious complications, is featured prominently for quick reference.
- The Most Important ECG Strips: Miniaturized sample strips present the most representative ECG, including extremes for each arrhythmia – the fastest, slowest or longest parts.
- Evaluating Sinus Rhythm: Both normal sinus and bradycardia burden are featured.
- Missed Beats and Pauses: The Pause for Block section shows statistics for missed beats, pauses or asystoles, including the number of episodes.
- Ventricular and Supraventricular Arrhythmia: Ectopic beat analysis is as detailed as single ectopic beats (PVC and PAC information) as well as couplets, triplets and runs.
- Rate vs. Rhythm Distribution: An analysis of patients’ heart rate distributions while within sinus rhythm and Atrial Fibrillation – particularly useful to help clinicians regulate rate control and dosing of pharmacotherapy.
- Physical Activity Monitoring: With a built-in accelerometer, PocketECG allows for direct correlation between symptoms of arrhythmia and physical activity.
- Day-by-Day Arrhythmia Trend Reporting: A calendar view of heart rate and arrhythmia events, including Atrial Fibrillation, contains notated patient-reported symptoms to identify patterns over time.
- Daily Burden Breakdown: Much like traditional Holter-style reports, PocketECG also provides a full-text breakdown of arrhythmia burden and other statistics for each day.
- Representative Arrhythmia Across All Types: View representative ECG strips from each arrhythmia category, including onset and offset, for even very long events.